Sunday, December 18, 2011

Techies Tell Me Why....

Why does my laptop screen periodically have curtain shadows at the bottom?
It doesn't have to do with a low battery; it happens sometimes after the battery is totally charged.

UPDATE:  Here's a screen capture of when shadows manifest.


Chuckbert said...

Do the shadows survive a reboot? Were you creating such an effect with Photoshop and somehow it got applied to the desktop? Have you visited your local Genius Bar?

It's nice to see that I'm hard at work!

Colleen said...

I'll try rebooting next time this happens and take careful note of the result. I have never been to a Genius Bar; I depend on you to solve my computer problems! Everybody here brought in cookies and cake this morning, so we are now dropping from our sugar high.

Chuckbert said...

One other thing you might try is to capture the screen's image when these shadows appear and seeing if the shadows are really there or are from a failing piece of hardware.

Pressing Command-Shift-3 makes an image file of what's on your screen. The file is put on your desktop. If that file has the shadows, I'd suspect that some bit of software has done added them. If the shadows aren't there I'd worry that there is some display hardware doing goofy things.

But all this is based on pure speculation...