Last night seven of us went out to toast JB's 58th birthday.
First we went to
First Printer. Since we didn't want dinner, they said we could only sit at the bar. We wanted a table, so we could all face each other.
Next we went to the
Russell House Tavern. Since we didn't want dinner, they said we could only sit at the bar. We wanted a table, so we could all face each other.
Diane suggested that this was a "dry crawl" rather than a "pub crawl."
We didn't have all night: JB had said he needed to go home at 6 and clean the house and get groceries.
Steve suggested
OM, which most of us had never been to. At last we had a place to sit down. We got an alcove of comfy benches and coffee tables hidden behind a bead curtain, just like in the movies! We had 2 bottles of wine, and JB had a martini. The vegetable dumplings we got were not enough to prevent inebriation. We convinced JB that he didn't have to go home at 6.
Afterwards Julie and I went to Sue's house to wait for Dave and drink water. Then when Dave came, he asked us how we spelled "dilemma." I've always spelled it DILEMMA, but everybody else remembers spelling it DILEMNA. Interesting.