Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm Still Alive at 55

And got these cards and gifts (a gift card good for a facial and some polymer clay earrings).  Over the long weekend I visited my college buddy Brenda in Hamden, CT.  We visited Guilford, CT where I saw a flying saucer-like house among the typical olde New England houses.  I tried to find out something about it online, but could find nothing.  It was on Old Whitfield St..
Update:  After further searching I found out that this is a bunch of condos designed by Wilfred J.O. Armster in the 80s.  See this NY Times article.


Duck Duck Gray Duck said...

I hope you had a nice day, Colleen!! That is one crazy assed house pictured on your blog!

Poss said...

Happy Birthday, Double Nickles.

Chuckbert said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your new Senator! What a birthday present!

P-Doobie said...

Happy birthday, Old-Timer!

Colleen said...

Thanks for all your good wishes. Our new senator may have impressive physical assetts, but politically he's not my type.